How can I describe my experience of reflected learning?

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Summary of reflected learning requirements
re: Professional Membership of the Agile Business Consortium
The Professional level 3 assessments require a minimum level of reflected learning to be provided in the application covering the key points below. It is mandatory to provide experiences covering points 1 and 6, plus experiences covering 2 of the remaining points.
Types of reflected learning

  1. Description of an experience (E) Are there details and circumstances of an event where the candidate was personally involved?
  2. Feelings (F) Feelings are key to reflection and often trigger thinking around specific reactions. Are there examples of feelings such as surprise, uncertainly, confusion, revealing how feelings impact our thought process?
  3. Personal belief (B) What are the candidate’s personal values and beliefs including their assumptions and/or view of events?
  4. Awareness of difficulties (A) Are there a range of issues that occur in different situations including awareness of different causes and impact on others?
  5. Perspective (P) Has the ‘bigger picture’ been recognised? Have alternatives been considered? Both in the situation and/or the people involved.
  6. Lessons learnt (L) What are the outcomes of the reflection? Was new knowledge gained? Has behaviour changed? Is there more self-awareness?
  7. Future intentions (I) How will the learning be actioned? Is there a plan to do something differently?
    Adapted from the writings of Thomas Ullmann Ph.D. SFHEA, Lecturer, Milton Keynes University